English Language Development
The mission of the English Language Development Department is to move students toward grade-level proficiency in all academic areas.
English Language Development
English Language Development staff work as a team with other teachers to support the needs of our learners. Licensed support teachers work in our preK-8 classrooms or through pull-out sessions to positively impact EL and Title 1 student success.
We use a variety of instructional strategies and teaching models to support our English learners. Some of the teaching models include whole group, small group, and guided groups. We find that providing this kind of service in school targets students who may need additional support with content and language development. In these groups, we can support the students’ academic and social language using content-based teaching.
We also have a small number of students who are new to St. Paul, Minnesota, and the country. These students work - one-on-one or in a small group with a licensed EL teacher who teaches them practical English vocabulary as well the foundations for acquiring the English language.
The three major student goals of our team are the following:
- Provide English language services to students identified as EL by standardized means
- To increase language proficiency through content-based instruction
- Provide academic support services to meet the academic goals of all learners
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, LEARNING, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
English Language Development
Hola, Nyob zoo! I have been an EL teacher for many moons :), and have held other teachi...
English Language Development
I’m enjoying my 11th year teaching at Achieve Language Academy. I’m on the ...
English Language Development
English Language Development
I work closely with classroom teachers planning and instructing lessons that target Eng...
English Language Development
I love Achieve and have stayed here for so long because of the wonderful community Achi...
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